Latest update of Gurjon skin for iGO 8.3.x.x ...

For iGO 8.3.x.x - Gurjon skin 4.4.0 (2008.11.17)
Added or fixed :
no log for the moment ...
Enjoy Gurjon skin 4.4.0 !
Latest update of Gurjon skin for iGO 8.3.x.x ...
New update of the transparent skin by Micsan !
- for PDA/PNA with resolution 320x240, 640x480 and PNA with resolution 480X272
- tested with v57021
Changes since previous version
Fixed bug-overlay zone current street number and street
Fixed bug-positioning of images of selected about cockpit
-Added an option to show / hide the numbers of street
Add-speed management depending on the weather / pollution as "choupi"
Added option-publishing "Plans card"
Add-mode display speed only special BigPhilou "
-Add 2 icons at the bottom right: weather condition for speed and type of route
-Passage to version
Add-analog clock (via click on clock / compass in the upper right)
Add-choice between new and old panels arrows
-Removing momentary cockpit display of "saved searches"
Enjoy Transparent Micsan v8 !
zip file including skin, font, utility folder and txt file for installation instructions ...
Latest update of Gurjon skin for iGO 8.3.x.x ...
These seasonal schemes are intended for mediterranean regions (South Italy, Spain, Greece...)
What's new in this version (v7 - 06.11.2008) ?
-Added the tone-color for the new guidance arrows introduced with iGO 8.3.1.xxxxx
-Added the tone-color of the sky and sea color schemes of v6 also for spring and summer.
-Bonus pack with the Dark Edition schemes.
-Minor changes.
To install
Copy the schemes in folder SD\iGO8\Content\Scheme
Select scheme in Settings menu\Map visual\Colour profiles in iGO8 navigator.
Enjoy Xerses Color Schemes v7 !
and many thanks to Xerses for this nice work ;-)
Last update of the original and mod versions of the diMka skin ...
Exclusively on artwork-igo8 a new nice version of diMka skin for iGO 8.3.1 with resolution 480x234 !
Works only with version 8.3.1 of iGO8
It is added to the original version of the skin diMka 1.5.13 :
1. The additional menu of start of programs PNA (WinCE). It is caused by long click on button Menu in a navigation mode at corresponding appointment to this button of such action (Settings- Menu–Menu long click action). Name of programs for start and path for start register in the file application_path.ini which is in a body of skin.
2. Integration in skin a patch DVS1 (Favorite Groups).(The button-switch "With route / Without route" condition is remembered.)
3. Integration in skin of possibility of construction of a route from the History.(The button-switch "With route / Without route" is added. The switch condition is remembered.)
4. Integration in skin of possibility of construction of a route from the POI.(The button-switch "With route / Without route" is added. The switch condition is remembered.)
5. Plan of a route - transition in the Plan map (route) after selecting POI, History, and Favorite. (Settings- Route Planning-Route Summary).
6. Screen saver:
Variants of screen savers: it is switched off, current time, speed, distance to destination, time to destination, an arrival time to destination, height, the following maneuver. (8 variants) (Change step-by-step in Settings- Map Visual–More…-Screen Saver or click on the screen saver name in a screen saver mode, direct change - long click on the screen saver name in a screen saver mode).
In the Screen saver mode there is a possibility sound on/sound off (click on Sound icon in the screen saver mode).
Screen saver start - click on the car-cursor.
Screen saver stop - long click on area of the screen below the screen saver name in a screen saver mode.
IGO can start with screen saver mode (at corresponding appointment of such action in Settings-Menu-Start: No route: and Settings-Menu-With route:).
7. Variants of buttons(big, small) of a choice of number of the house (address search) (a problem old/new (Settings-Menu-Selecting adress)
8. The additional short menu in a navigation mode (customize buttons) (idea DVS1) (Setting of buttons in Settings- Map Visual–More…-Short Menu or long click on the button Short or Back in a navigation mode).
Enjoy diMka skin for iGO 8.3.1 !Last update of Gurjon skin for iGO 8.3.x.x ...
For iGO 8.3.x.x - Gurjon skin 4.1.0 (2008.11.07)
Skin will work only with iGO 8.3.x.xxxx version and now 240x320 is supported !
1. zoom bar.
2. Route recording to screen "info about route".
3. Then browse map closes, cursor moves back to specific location.
4. Few menu tabs were expanded.
5. Speeding preferences (still in testing).
6. Save of tilt angle.
7. Favorite, "without route"
1."Short menu" button. "View all route" - all routes will be displayed.
For all routes to have different colors, you must add these lines to your color sheme "color.ini" file:
after line: "planned_road_ext = ....."
add lines:
planned_road_alt1 = "",255,0,0
planned_road_alt2 = "",0,255,0
planned_road_alt3 = "",0,0,255
planned_road_alt4 = "",255,255,0
planned_road_alt5 = "",0,255,255
(standard scheme should work flawlessly)
2."Short menu" button, "external program".
To add new program button, you must enter:
1. Name of program (ex. Total commander);
2. Full path to program (ex. /SD Card/Program Files/Total Commander/cecmd.exe).
Then a button with program name will appear in window.
Attention! use only this "/"slash.
Number of programs is unlimited.
Enjoy v4.1.0 !