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At the users of iGO8 all around the world, welcome on board !
You can find on this blog wallpaper pictures, colormaps, POI icons and skins to customize your favorite GPS navigator ...

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Gurjon skin (5.11)

New update of Gurjon skin for iGO 8.3.x.x

For iGO 8.3.x.x - Gurjon skin 5.11 (2009.01.24)

Added or fixed : 5.11 (2009.01.24)
1. We put back an option for user to change GJ skin colors of text objects.
The program "GJColors_changer_PC.zip" enables to do that.
Download and extract it. After you're happy with changes, save and overwrite
"gjColors.ui" over old skin colors file. This color changer is fully compatable
with future version of GJ skin (you'll just need to overwrite it again).
(There are 4 variations of color switches)
2. Few new cars were added to car library
3. ThemeChanger was added. It's almost like patch.
It means that 4 buttons, 3 empty scripts, 3 variables and fusion file call were added.
Fusion file was written in different way. It enabled fusion with ThemeChanger.
All algorithm ("dawn and dusk" too) was written in this file.
If file doesn't exist, all functions that need him are cut off.

ATTENTION! This file won't be included in skin, you can download it from "Download" section.
You have to put this file into root folder of iGO "/themechanger/themechanger.ui"
We won't support themechanger itself. We only made fusion with skins acording to author format.
We ask author of Themechanger to put all their files to "themechanger" directory and organize
half patch support by changing "themechanger.ui" file and adding it to his products.
This way skin remade from scratch would be avoided, it would be possible to make their products
easily compatable with any other skin.
4. Technical adjustments

Enjoy Gurjon skin 5.11
or Gurjon skin 5.11 800x480
or Gurjon skin 5.11 800x480 HP !

and many thanks to Gurjon for this work ;-)


Anonymous said...

Latest version doesn't work on my pna. I can't simply choose it

Anonymous said...

Same here, can't select it - tried everything.

Anonymous said...

Same here, I can use 5.09 and 5.10, but after copying the 5.11 zip file, I can't see it in my MyGuide...

Anonymous said...

5.11 version doesn't work on my HTC. I can't choose it

Unknown said...

The version on Gurjon's site "does" work (don't ask me why, but it's 100Kb larger than this file)
Gurjon's Site

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