Last update of Gurjon skin for iGO 8.3.x.x ...
For iGO 8.3.x.x - Gurjon skin 4.0.1b (2008.10.29)
Skin will work only with iGO 8.3.x.xxxx version and now 240x320 is supported !
Change log:
1. Added beta 240x320
2. Added new function "Back to car"
Everything else is the same like previous version
Enjoy v4.0.1b !
Welcome !
You can find on this blog wallpaper pictures, colormaps, POI icons and skins to customize your favorite GPS navigator ...
Leave me all your remarks, questions or suggestions at :
iphone apple mac
Gurjon skin (4.0.1b)
diMka skin (v1.5.12) - original version
Last update of the original version of the diMka skin ...
- diMka ORIGINAL Version 1.5.12 (Original Version by diMka - 240,320, 320x240)
Change log :
1.5.12 Added direction to destination arrow to mini compass.
1.5.11 Animated actual and next street names.
1.5.10 Minor bug fixes.
Use the voice files and language interface files from the previous post ...
including English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, German, Catalan, Hungarian, Spanish, Russian voices !!!
Gurjon skin (3.7.1) and (4.0.0b)
Last update of Gurjon skin ...
For iGO 8.3.x.x - Gurjon skin 4.0.0b (2008.10.27)
Skin will work only with iGO 8.3.x.xxxx version and only 320x240 is supported.
Still under construction:
1. Display of second turn depending on the distance, now only turn on/off second turn option is used.
2. Overview option became standard again.
Everything else is the same.
Enjoy v4.0.0 !
For iGO 8.0.x.x - Gurjon skin 3.7.1 (2008.10.24)
Change log :
1. Added additional user’s sound, voice speed cam. (thanks mACSman)
2. Added the next turning exit from the ring number.
3. Voice cameras were added. "ultra" and "iGO6" voices are supported.
4. "Panic" button added. (Long tap on Top-Right corner)
5. GJ map preferences were reconfigured.
6. Unnecessary spaces from "place menu" buttons names were removed. (thanks mACSman)
7. Various technical adjustments.
Enjoy v3.7.0 !
Speedcam voice file installation:
* AlertSound:
Just extract all files from “AlertSound.rar” into igo8\audio folder (no subfolders should be created).
* iGO 2006 format:
Just extract all files into igo8\audio folder (no subfolders should be created).
* Ultra format:
Create folder for your language inside igo8\Audio and extract folders "voice_female" and "voice_male" into the folder.
Languages supported (download it on this blog) :
- Russian - AUDIO\RU\voice_male (and voice_female)
- English - AUDIO\EN\voice_male (and voice_female)
- American - AUDIO\US\voice_male (and voice_female)
- French - AUDIO\FR\voice_male (and voice_female)
- Italian - AUDIO\IT\voice_male (and voice_female)
- German - AUDIO\DE\voice_male (and voice_female)
- Dutch - AUDIO\NL\voice_male (and voice_female)
- Swedish - AUDIO\SW\voice_male (and voice_female)
- Romanian - AUDIO\RO\voice_male (and voice_female)
- Polish - AUDIO\PL\voice_male (and voice_female)
- Spanish - AUDIO\ES\voice_male (and voice_female)
- Hungarian - AUDIO\HU\voice_male (and voice_female) (thanks mACSman)
For all types of files you can edit file "voice_var.ini" inside skin to enable/disable some languages from selection. There you can also adjust sound delays for Ultra files.
“Panic” button installation:
Just extract “utility” folder from “utility.rar” into igo8\ folder.
Add to sys.txt :
utilitymov=",1,\SD Card\IGO8,"
utilitydel=",2,\SD Card\iGO8,"
„\SD Card\iGO8“ - path to „iGO8“ folder .
How it works:
Press „Delete“ button to cleare „Speedcam“ folder.
Press „Move“ button to move „Speedcam“ folder to „\SD Card\iGO8\~temp“.
And restarted iGO.
diMka skin (v1.5.9) - original and mod versions
Last updates of the different versions of the diMka skin ...
- diMka ORIGINAL Version 1.5.9 (Original Version by diMka - 240,320, 320x240)
Change log :
1.5.9 Added direction to destination arrow to mini compass.
1.5.8 No cursor-car in pedestrian and bicycle mode.
1.5.7 Added car cursor and "Panic" action.
1.5.6 Buttons transparency slider in Quick menu (separate settings for day and night)
1.5.5 Favorites and History lists separated to 2 zones with different onclick action. Default and add to route. POI lists now have 3 zones. Add to route, go to map, POI info.
The versions below add the following features:
1. Car icon and car icon setting menu
2. House Numbers can be set to bottom bar, by cursor or off
3. Selecting a POI will set it as a destination - Long click will just select it
4. Clicking the turn icon will repeat the last command
5. Adds option to show route summary - Goes to the Plan Map after selecting a POI, HISTORY or FAVORITE.
6. When selecting destination from the cursor menu, it will automatically minimize the cursor menu.
- diMka Version 1.5.6a LIGHT (Specter version - 320x240, 400x240, 416x234, 480x272)
- diMka Version 1.5.6a DARK (Specter version - 320x240, 400x240, 416x234, 480x272)
- diMka Version 1.5.9 LIGHT (Megaduck99 version - 240x320, 320x240)
- diMka Version 1.5.9 DARK (Megaduck99 version - 240x320, 320x240)
- diMka Version 1.5.7 (Wertvrv version - 480x234)
- diMka Version 1.5.6 (Morrismay version - 240x400, 400x240)
- diMka Version 1.5.6a (DTE version - 480x272)
Use the voice files and language interface files from the previous post ...
including English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, German, Catalan, Hungarian, Spanish, Russian voices !!!
"iGO8 Ultra" skin (v5.02) with high resolution 800x480
This is a skin based almost entirely on Linknet's Ultra 5.0 skin with additional modifications by yours truly.
This skin is only intended for the high res devices (800x480) such as the iPaq 31x. The SYS file must indicate that your iGo8 installation will accept the 400x240 resolution. It will not work for anything at the moment besides 400x240.
The main things that have been modified are:
1. Added Time to Maneuver field above the Turn Indicator
2. Removed top transparent bar when no route has been entered.
3. Added a 4th data cockpit field.
4. The options for each cockpit field has been increased to include all "trip computer" variables.
5. Added compass.
6. Redesigned both Main and Secondary turn indicators.
7. Added an indicator within the Main turn indicator that "grows" as you near your next maneuver.
8. Bluetooth button in cockpit minimizes iGo8 in order access native bluetooth app.
9. Minimize button without need to modify SYS file.
10. Cosmetic improvements
Enjoy Ultra Skin 5.02 High-Res !
See previous post for installation instructions and voices ...
Gurjon skin (3.6.1)
Last update (2008.10.16) of the Gurjon skin v3.6.1 ...
New modifications :
1. 2 fast menus added. One on GPS clock, another instead of stardard speedometer.
All in all, 10 buttons were added, everyone one of them have 21 customasable abilities.
2. Cursor map completly removed.
3. Recommended speed sign, speed cams, forbidden turn sign completly moved.
4. Large arrows were shrunken.
5. Various other technical adjustments.
Many thanks to Gurjon for this nice work ;-)
Transparent skin by Micsan ... v6 !
New update of the transparent skin by Micsan !
- for PDA/PNA with resolution 320x240, 640x480 and PNA with resolution 480X272
- tested with v49545
Changes since previous version
- changed graphical design,
- added block roads,
- added sound warning for road changing,
- added dangerous areas,
- added management of schemes by « Xerses » for those who want to use it,
- and some other adjustements to discover !…
Enjoy Transparent Micsan v6 !
zip file including skin, font, utility folder and txt file for installation instructions ...
TTSkin XL by GlikoGliko (v081014.2115)
Last update of the TTSkin by GlikoGliko with several bug fixing ...
Change Log:
- Corrected an important bug in the speedcam voice section, due to which some speedcam categories don't warn via voice.
- Corrected several glitches in the 320x320 resolution
- Added a new, updated and improved Speedcam file, now updated to October 14th for all Europe, with speed limits for ALL cameras.
1. Download SKIN file and AUDIO file.
2. decompress AUDIO file and copy the \AUDIO folder in the IGO8 root folder in your SD ( SD\IGO8\AUDIO)
3. eventually download your language voices from the link above and overwrite the folders SD\IGO8\AUDIO.
4. decompress SKIN file and copy the content of the IGO8 folder in the IGO8 root folder of you device's SD
5. Start IGO8 and select from the menu SETTINGS/INTERFACE the item "TTSKINXL_BY_GLIKOGLIKO"
6. If you want, you can select also the TTGLIKO scheme color.
Enjoy TTSkin XL by GlikoGliko v081014.2115 !
and audio file (this is the ITALIAN + SOUND language pack (always needed). If need to use a different language, after applying that file, use the DIMKA/ULTRA voices ...)
Updates of colormaps by Kerkyra
Last updates of the seasonal colormaps by Kerkyra with new seasons !
Especially designed for Italia but fits very well with other Alps countries ...
Change log :
- Summer colormap 0.6
- Winter colormap 0.5
- Fullmoon colormap
- Newmoon colormap
Enjoy Kerkyra colormaps and many thanks to him !
Installation :
Copy *.zip files on your memory card igo\content\schemes
Xerses colormap v6
Etna volcano with snow !
These seasonal schemes are intended for mediterranean regions (South Italy, Spain, Greece...)
What's new in this version ?
-Changed the tone-color of the sky and sea color schemes for autumn and winter (decreased blue intensity typical of spring and summer, increased the light-effect due to the haze over the sun low in these seasons). Adapted the brightness and contrast also related dayheightmaps. Greater prominence in the seasonal change from summer semester to winter semester.
-Minor changes on twilight scheme.
To install
Copy the schemes in folder SD\iGO8\Content\Scheme
Select scheme in Settings menu\Map visual\Colour profiles in iGO8 navigator.
Enjoy Xerses Color Schemes V6 !
and many thanks to Xerses for this nice work ;-)
Skin by Choup updated (4.3)
Recent update of this nice skin by Choup ...
This update is based on Ultra Skin 5.0 (only 320x240)
Change log 4.3
- Transition from panorama mode (overview) in 3D below a certain speed to the Eraser Head and back to the panorama mode (overview) above a certain speed to the Eraser Head
- Display Settings button in the cockpit TMC
- Management of advanced sound: no sound, all sounds, only alerts radar (on an idea of Eraser Head revisited)
- Quick recalculation button of the road with or without pay (adapted from the skin bidru) (adjustable display)
- visual approach indicator to the next maneuver (an idea of Kikker) and display the remaining time until the next maneuver (adjustable display)
- traffic rules from 23 countries of Western Europe (out of a sense of patmio)
- Added a parameter of tolerance for fixed speed alerts and mobile radars (at your own risk)
- Easier access to choice of weather
- Fixed bug: Double Icon restriction direction
- Other little things ...
Enjoy Choup skin 4.3 !
diMka skin by DTE (480x272)
The skin is in line with Specter's one. Differences:
- Added a submenu for "Toll Roads Options" (screenshot2), where you can set:
1) visibility for Toll Roads Button,
2) Question "Avoid Toll Roads?" yes-no,
3) Position of the button: top right or left side panel. If in top right when appears the info lane, BT, TMC ant TollRoads buttons disappear, when lane info hides, these buttons are shown again.
4) Transparency of Toll Roads button.
This way anyone can have his own settings :-)
- Added two more buttons for 3DCar and Toll Roads in Quick Menu. On long click you are into the respective setting screen
- Standardized the language. Now in English (like someone asked some time ago)
- When into Data Fields Settings, now if you click on "GPS Time Format" the long format is set for Estimate Time of Arrival and Estimate Time to Arrival at Waypoint too.
- Many other little changes...
Enjoy diMka skin by DTE !
diMka skin (v1.5.4)
Last updates of the different versions of the diMka skin ...
- diMka ORIGINAL Version 1.5.4 (Original Version by diMka - 240,320, 320x240)
Buttons added to the route info screen, bug fixes and optimizations.
The Specter version adds the following features:
1. Car icon and car icon setting menu
2. House Numbers can be set to bottom bar, by cursor or off
3. Selecting a POI will set it as a destination - Long click will just select it
4. Clicking the turn icon will repeat the last command
5. Adds option to show route summary - Goes to the Plan Map after selecting a POI, HISTORY or FAVORITE.
6. When selecting destination from the cursor menu, it will automatically minimize the cursor menu.
- diMka Version 1.5.4a DARK (Specter version - 320x240, 400x240, 416x234,480x272)
Buttons added to the route info screen, bug fixes and optimizations.
- diMka Version 1.5.4a LIGHT (Specter version by Megaduck99 - 240x320, 320x240)
FINALLY Specter version with 240x320 resolution !
- diMka Version 1.5.4a DARK (Specter version by Megaduck99 - 240x320, 320x240)
FINALLY Specter version with 240x320 resolution !
- diMka Version 1.5.1 (Specter Version by Wertvrv - 480x234)
- diMka Version 1.5.0a A B T C (Version by Tonimontoia, Ervius and Dafunk - 480x272) Best version for 480x272 resolution
Red, Blue, Yellow Car colors with Adjustable shadows and Headlights with Preview
Use the voice files and language interface files from the previous post ...
including English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, German, Catalan, Hungarian, Spanish, Russian voices !!!
Or two new voices : Hebrew
TTSkin XL by GlikoGliko (v081011.2040)
Last update of the TTSkin by GlikoGliko including now 320x320 resolution !
Fully compatible with DIMKA/ULTRA speedcam voices posted in previous post on this blog ...
Change Log:
- Added the 320x320 resolution, in order to be used on Samsung SGH-i780 and similar devices
- Minor fixes
1. Download SKIN file and AUDIO file.
2. decompress AUDIO file and copy the \AUDIO folder in the IGO8 root folder in your SD ( SD\IGO8\AUDIO)
3. eventually download your language voices from the link above and overwrite the folders SD\IGO8\AUDIO.
4. decompress SKIN file and copy the content of the IGO8 folder in the IGO8 root folder of you device's SD
5. Start IGO8 and select from the menu SETTINGS/INTERFACE the item "TTSKINXL_BY_GLIKOGLIKO"
6. If you want, you can select also the TTGLIKO scheme color.
Enjoy TTSkin XL by GlikoGliko v081011.2040 !
and audio file (this is the ITALIAN + SOUND language pack (always needed). If need to use a different language, after applying that file, use the DIMKA/ULTRA voices ...)
New colormaps - Autumn and Spring
New enhanced colormaps by Kerkyra especialy designed for autumn and spring seasons ...
Enjoy Autumn colormap
and Spring colormap !
Xerses colormaps updated - Darker Edition !
Darker version of Xerses colormaps proposed in a previous post ...
To install
Copy the schemes in folder SD\iGO8\Content\Scheme
Select scheme in Settings menu\Map visual\Colour profiles in iGO8 navigator.
Enjoy Xerses Color Schemes V5 - Darker Edition !
diMka skin (v1.5.1) - original version updated
Last update of the diMka skin ...
- diMka Version 1.5.1 (Version original by diMka 320x240, 240x320)
Bug fixes only
Use the voice files and language interface files from the previous post ... including English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, German, Catalan, Hungarian, Spanish, Russian voices !!!
Or two new voices : Hebrew
"iGO8 Ultra" skin (v5.0) with high resolution 800x480
This skin is only intended for the high res devices (800x480) such as the iPaq 31x. The SYS file must indicate that your iGo8 installation will accept the 400x240 resolution. It will not work for anything at the moment besides 400x240.
The main things that have been modified are:
1. Added Time to Maneuver field above the Turn Indicator
2. Removed top transparent bar when no route has been entered.
3. Added a 4th data cockpit field.
4. The options for each cockpit field has been increased to include all "trip computer" variables.
5. Added compass.
6. Redesigned both Main and Secondary turn indicators.
7. Added an indicator within the Main turn indicator that "grows" as you near your next maneuver.
Enjoy Ultra Skin 5.0 High-Res !
See previous post for installation instructions and voices ... is in no way affiliated with NavNGo Inc.
All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
skin skins iGO 8 iGO8 NavNGo NavNGo8 icon icons POI POIs wallpaper wallpapers background backgrounds map maps colormap colormaps voice voices speedcam warning My Way iGO2006 2006 2006+ portrait landscape 240 320 400 480 640 272 TomTom