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At the users of iGO8 all around the world, welcome on board !
You can find on this blog wallpaper pictures, colormaps, POI icons and skins to customize your favorite GPS navigator ...

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TTSkin by GlikoGliko (v080823.2000)

New update of the TTSkin by GlikoGliko ...

Now with full compatibility with DIMKA/ULTRA speedcam voices !

Change Log:
- Changed the way TTSKIN process the voice files for speedcam warning. Now they are fully compatible with DIMKA/ULTRA Skins. The older Audio files are no more compatible with TTSKIN newer releases.
- Added an alert sound "DING" when the LANE INFO are displayed on screens. This can be useful to miss the right lane.
- Correct a bug when selecting the right voice for speedcam warning. Now the feedback is present always.
- Speedcam database updated to August 23rd 2008 (see Speedcam page for details)
- Removed support for non-standard italian speedcams (ZTL, Dissuasori, Velocitas, etc.)

1. Download SKIN file and AUDIO file.
2. decompress AUDIO file and copy the \AUDIO folder in the IGO8 root folder in your SD ( SD\IGO8\AUDIO)
3. eventually download your language voices from the link above and overwrite the folders SD\IGO8\AUDIO.
4. decompress SKIN file and copy the content of the IGO8 folder in the IGO8 root folder of you device's SD
5. Start IGO8 and select from the menu SETTINGS/INTERFACE the item "TTSKINXL_BY_GLIKOGLIKO"
6. If you want, you can select also the TTGLIKO scheme color.

Enjoy TTSkin by GlikoGliko v080823.2000 !


Anonymous said...

Nice skin, But minor problem in the map. When you touch te map in the area around the speed sign in the 240x320 view the cockpit setting are displayed.

Thnxs Peter

Anonymous said...


Nice skin, but i can't get the speedcam sound working. My TTS voices are working and i see the speedcamera's. In the ultra skin everything is working. Can somebody tell me how to solve this problem.

Thnxs Frank.

Anonymous said...

Same to me. I use the Ultra 3.2 German-Voice, but it's not working...

Anonymous said...

Sorry not working with igo on 320x230

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